Septic Air Pump

A septic air pump is also referred as an aerator pump or a compressor. The aerobic system will fail to work as it is intended to if the pump is not functional. The septic air pump has two major functions. It allows formation and thriving of the aerobic bacteria by letting oxygen into the water. The bacteria are responsible for eating up the waste in the septic tank. These bacteria are more effective than those in anaerobic septic systems. The other key role of the septic air pump is to create a medium that enables the breakdown of the large waste solids into smaller particles which can easily be eaten by the bacteria.

Failure of the septic air pump may lead to the aerobic system turning into an anaerobic system due to the lack of active bacteria. An anaerobic septic system does not have secondary treatment and therefore, the final discharge will be just like raw sewage. Raw sewage discharge may cause a non-conducive environment especially if it is channeled to an open lake or pond.

The size of an air pump is a crucial factor that should be considered before purchasing and installation. Every septic system requires a particular size in order to function efficiently. The size of the air pump is determined by various factors that include, the amount of waste the tank is bound to treat per day, the volume of the tank, and the air diffusion system of the septic tank.

If you do not know the right pump size for your tank, you can contact our efficient sales team who will offer advice on the correct air pump size. In addition, we also offer services such as installation, repair, and replacement for any aerobic septic system. Click Here for more information about septic air pump.


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