Types of Water Bourne Illness

Water boiled prior to drinking is one of the recommended practices by health officers, particularly in the third world countries in which their source of drinking water isn't safe and at times the causes for some occurrences of common disease for kids.

With its numerous uses for industry, sanitation, recreation, and hygiene, water is our most precious worldwide resource. Access to improved hygiene, safe and clean water, and adequate sanitation are crucial to sustaining life and human health. Though water is vital for life, it as well causes injuries and can spread Water bourne illness when it's contaminated by disease-causing organisms.

Water bourne illness is grouped into 4 kinds in relation to the path of transmission:

• Waterborne diseases, like typhoid and cholera, are the illnesses, which are transmitted through drinking water. The interruption of transmission is attained by proper treatment of drinking water.
 • Water-washed (water-scarce) illnesses, like polio, are illnesses in which the interruption of the transmission is attained through a proper focus on personal hygiene and effective sanitation. Frequent washing of hands, particularly after visiting the toilet, is considered the most effective measure in preventing many infections, as is fly control, waste disposal, hygiene during food preparation, together with proper sanitation.
 • Water based illnesses are illnesses transmitted by contact with water, e.g. recreational swimming.
 • Water vector illnesses, like malaria, are illnesses which are transmitted by a vector, like a mosquito which requires moisture or water so as to breed. Prevention of transmission is by means of a vector control.

Water borne illnesses may be prevented by either bettering the quality of drinking water or by preventing the usage of water from unhygienic sources.

Pros of water purification:
Boiling - Pro's - Effective against all pathogens
Chemical - Pro's - Effective against Giardia, bacteria, and viruses. Can be combined with filtration.
Filtration - Pro's - Effective against bacteria and parasites (based on filter size). Fast and easy to use. Read more about R SEO Services.


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